Integrated and streamlined solar developer

Yotsuya Energy is a renewable energy developer focusing on the development of green field CPPA solar power plants in Japan.

About us

 We are currently developing 5 projects in total 130MWp of green field corporate PPA solar projects all across Japan. Besides developing special high-voltage CPPA solar power plants, we will also venture into diversified operations including large-scale energy storage.

Introducing our Representative

Toshiaki Isoi
Toshiaki Isoi is an experienced CEO and served as the Japan Country Manager for an international solar developer in the past. Toshiaki founded Yotsuya Capital in October 2022 with the aim of ensuring the future growth of the renewable energy industry.

Press Release

2024/4/1 New Office Opening

2023/10/6 Yotsuya Capital has entered into business collaboration with NEC Capital Solutions.

2023/4/6 Nikkei also had an article on Yotsuya Capital in its evening edition on April 6, 2023.

Yotsuya Energy has received major financial support from Octopus Energy group.

Local contents

We try to hire local companies or consultants as first priority.

Commitment to Diversity

We as an employer and provider of professional services, is fully committed to ensuring fair and equal treatment of all employees, job applications, customers and potential customers.
We aim to meet the needs of our stakeholders by creating a work culture which values diversity, trust and integrity, and empowers our staff to reflect those values in their dealings with our customers and all other stakeholders.
Also being responsive to changing needs and requirements.
We value equal opportunities as an employer, and shall provide adequate training.
It is the responsibility of YC to value diversity.

Company Information
